Maria Gwyn McDowell started DeiProfundis in 2005 to engage questions about what it means to participate with God in creation, the shape of our life in God, and to examine some of the practices that form or mis-form that life, and the theology and ethical perspectives that undergird, or destroy, such a life. Most of the posts are theological in nature. Some of them are just random fun.
About the name “Dei Profundis”
“De Profundis” is the Latin opening to Psalm 130, “Out of the depths I cry to you Oh Lord,” an oft repeated Lenten refrain. “Dei” is Latin for “of God.” So, “deiprofundis” is a neologism that translates to something like “out of the depths of God” or “out of God from the depths,” or whatever spin you want to give it. I considered “Εκ Βαθεον” but we in the West don’t do so well with Greek. And alas, “deprofundis” was taken, by the Hungarian T-Mobile and a WOW Guild. Now, it is a Hungarian NGO. Go figure.

About Maria Gwyn McDowell (‘mariagwyn’)
The Rev’d Dr. Maria Gwyn McDowell is a priest in The Episcopal Church, a teacher, and public theologian in love with the God who calls all to liberation and compassion. She is committed to working and playing alongside God in communities seeking to practice justice, mercy, and joy in our world. She is a contributor to Women in Theology. She received her PhD in Theological Ethics from Boston College where she wrote on gender, sexuality, and women through the lens of virtue and liberation ethics. She continues to learn and grow in her anti-racist commitments as the rector of St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church in Portland, Oregon.
To learn more or see her academic profile, please visit her page or visit her professional website at