The Change We Seek

The Change We Seek

Published: Nov 5, 2008 by Maria Gwyn McDowell

There is really nothing I can add to the flurry of excellent commentary which has erupted on the internet since last night. But I am so proud to stand with a 106-year-old black woman and say that I too voted for someone who, only a short century ago, would not have been allowed to participate in his governance, much less be the president. It is my hope and prayer that the long arc of history continues to bend towards justice.

[quote=President-elect Barack Obama]This victory alone is not the change we seek; it is only the chance for us to make that change.


That's the true genius of America, that America can change. Our union can be perfected. And what we have already achieved gives us hope for what we can and must achieve tomorrow.[/quote]

And I think I can watch this video over and over again! What a joy to know that we will be privileged to listen to the intelligence and eloquence of this man for at least four years.


New York Times Obama Victory Speech, video and transcript.
